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‘Technical awareness is crucial as cybercrimes become more sophisticated’

Cybersecurity expert Deepak Kumar on Wednesday emphasised the importance of staying updated with new technology to combat cybercrime. Kumar was speaking at a one-day guest lecture on Cyber Crime organised by the Student Leadership and Life Skills Development Committee at Rajiv Gandhi South Campus of Banaras Hindu University (BHU).
Kumar highlighted that cybercriminals are becoming increasingly sophisticated, using GPS, radio signals in mobile phones without SIM cards, Wi-Fi, and hotspots to carry out their crimes. He explained that criminals use various tools, drafts, and emails to commit cybercrime. He also discussed how hidden evidence and deleted data can be retrieved from digital devices.
Kumar noted that cybercriminals often use social media as a weapon, detailing how to close fake social media accounts and obtain evidence from the mobile number and internet source used to create them. He mentioned the prevalence of fake websites created to offer fraudulent franchises and explained how to trace the source of a criminal’s activity through their mobile number obtained via a fake website. Kumar also discussed how to take immediate action in cases of banking fraud and the use of CrPC 91.
He remarked that there are 8 billion internet users worldwide, with an average data consumption of 10 to 15 GB per user. Kumar also covered computer and mobile forensics, making students aware of the subject’s intricacies.
The event was chaired by Prof Ashish Singh, Chairman of the Student Leadership and Life Skills Development Committee, Rajiv Gandhi South Campus. A total of 391 students participated in the event.
